Time flies!

 Deep breath!

its been for so long long and long period havent spill out all here!

9 years pass through already peeps! before get married and now im back as Mama to three cutest, cranky (all the time) & cheeky to The Andras! But for sure, me marry to Teja! 

Dear Future Husband

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you wanna be
My one and only all my life

Take me on a date
I deserve a break
And don't forget the flowers every anniversary
'Cause if you'll treat me right
I'll be the perfect wife
Buying groceries
Buy-buying what you need

You got that 9 to 5
But, baby, so do I
So don't be thinking I'll be home and baking apple pies
I never learned to cook
But I can find a hook
Sing along with me
Sing-sing along with me (hey)

You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things you'll need to know if you want to be
My one and only all my life
Dear future husband,
If you wanna get that special lovin'
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night

After every fight
Just apologize
And maybe then I'll let you try and rock my body right
Even if I was wrong
You know I'm never wrong
Why disagree?
Why, why disagree?

You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you want to be
My one and only all my life (hey, baby)
Dear future husband,
Make time for me
Don't leave me lonely
And know we'll never see your family more than mine

I'll be sleeping on the left side of the bed (hey)
Open doors for me and you might get some kisses
Don't have a dirty mind
Just be a classy guy
Buy me a ring
Buy-buy me a ring, babe

You gotta know how to treat me like a lady
Even when I'm acting crazy
Tell me everything's alright

Dear future husband,
Here's a few things
You'll need to know if you want to be
My one and only all my life
Dear future husband,
If you wanna get that special loving
Tell me I'm beautiful each and every night

Future husband, better love me right

P/S : Love youu to the moon and back Mr.Muncet Incik Kambenggggg TEJA !
this coming Friday i've an interview @ Jasin,Malacca..may Allah ease everythingg...aminnn


bpe lame x hupdateeeee
cuba kira kan jup!
damn buzy...like shit!
seriously i feels like..nothing!
stress nyaa kerjaa..sumpah!
rasa mcm xmau kerja QS dahh...
sakit pale...migrain..sumaa adaa...

kerja makin bertambahh...staff QS dok dua org tue jugakkkkkk...
ingat kita robot apee...
bek la keja yg pnat badan dr penat otak...pnat bdn balik umah tido lena!

hurmmm arini pepagi da stress...
dpt msg dy pun buat stress jugakk...
hurmm..sedih gilaa rasaa..
kalau setiap bulan cmnie...
masa bila nya nak cukup...

hurmm down sgt...nie pun nak gunaaaa word SERIOUSLY...
tapi nak kata apa dahh...redha dlm terpaksa laa...susahh nyaa...

redha redha redhaa je laaaa
ikhlas ke tak..tue x tau nk jwb...
tgok drama tv3 nie pun stress jugak..

pokoknya cerita hari ini semuanya pasal stress je laa...let it go..let it goo...tetibe rasa cam nk nangis sambil nyanyi lagu cter katon Frozen..even pg td bwak sheapy pun kua air mata..
syahdu sgguh rasaaaa...

da laa..cter byk pun ade ke tidak la org bacee...bye!

p/s : tengok tokpah & tokwan agy syiokkk...perfecto!

Queen & King

hurmmm lame gler x hupppdateeee...
Allah haii..rindu sungguh Queen & King dekat kampungggg...
cepatlah bulan 7...raya raya raya!
nak balekkkkk...
stiap hari kol pun x ilang rindu g...
huuuiiiiiii...sungguh hai tak tipu!

aku rase kann aku mcm da dpt migrain lah! (lari topic)..
since keje bidang ni..sakit kepala x engatttt...oh my my my...

alangkah indahnya ada kedai kek sniriiii...hurmmm...mls sgguh! sungguh!

lately otak aku x kreatif la nk mengarang esei daa..stiap ari tgok angka jaaa...choiiiii...duit sniri takpe gak kan! bosssss...nk cuti smgu pliss...
nk balik kampungggggggggggggg

p/s: bila org amik berat x menghargai..bila org x layan..sibuk ja cari..rimassssss...meowww (nyampah!)

its hurt..deeply !

kenkadang bila cakap x fikir then minta maaf...
senang je fikir org lain bley terima dengan mudah..
kalau ckp dengan bahasa yg common x apala juga..
boleh terima juga kalau minta maaf..
nie kalau dah kuar segala bagai ayat kasar...
then minta maaf...hurmmmmm mcm mana..??

hurmm..kat tempat keje lagi...
mmg dah nama kontraktor gaya bahasa pun kasar juga..
tapi kalau setakat aku kau...kau aku (even aku tak suka!)
at least ok la gak...hurm hurmm

nie kalau smpy mase depan nk ckp nyesal bagai..
padahal x tahu pun ape jadi kat masa akan datang..
kita hormat org, tapi org yg x hormat kita..
kita x ckp kasar org yg ckp kasar...
semua serba x kena..

kadang2 terpikir juga..
family kita x ada pun ckp kasar2..
the bila jumpa org yg ckp kasar..
sometime x boleh nak terima..
otak pun x dpt proses ayat tue...

hurm hurm hurmmm
*(bnyk sungguh mengeluh dari semalam!)
bila diam kata kurang ajar..
bila lawan pun kata kurang ajar juga..
padahal niat kita diam tue xnk teruk kan situasi..
susah laaaaa....family kita pun x ckp mcm tue...

kalau boleh bnyk nak type..
tp kalau type pun point dy same gak..
serupa jep kan..

smpy cnie jelaa...
x sabar nak tgu tokpah smpy ahad nie..
bnyk bende nak ngadu kat tokpah..
rindu ! rindu nak ngadu kat walid gak...

hurmm x apalah...
mata berair dah nie woiii...
kang nges plak kat opis..
suara pun da semcm...

hurmmm untuk ke seratus kali..

p/s : x sangka end of this month dah setengah tahun aku kerja..
cepatnya masa berlalu ! hurmm untuk 6th April 2014 pun..
mcm dah x excited tgu date tue..dah terbang sume perasaan excited semalam :'(

Time flies!

 Deep breath! its been for so long long and long period havent spill out all here! 9 years pass through already peeps! before get married an...