
hurmm ye la...
kadang2 dlm relationship nie mcm2 hal je boleh nk cari point utk keep fighting..
smgu skali tak cari pasal mmg x perfect kot life aku rase??tapiiiiiiii ade tapi agy kan!
lelaki x pnah nak faham...
nk kite org pmpuan je faham dy...

and sometimes rase cm loser bila dia ckp sesuatu yg buat kita terase ke ape...
da name pun perempuan..should be that way isnt it??
manje manje gedik...
marah-marah syg...normal right????

the saddest part isnt dat with each passing day i feel like i need u more...
but its da fact dat u dont need me at all..

sometimes we as a girl...women..she or her...
love to keep texting their hubby just sebab nk rase dekat selalu....why so hard utk relationship jarak jauh nie??

btol ckp farah a.k.a my beloved cousin, sometimes single is better than two...

her favourite question ; "macam mana kau boleh stay more than 4 and half year dengan dia..??"...

my perfect lovely answer : bigger smile on my face...dats it!

i've no idea to answer even though shes keep asking me the same question...i just have big NO answer...

her relationship i think good enuf but shes dont think like i am...why??probably shes get boring on it..3 years relationship...

then if u..u..and u get d answer for THAT question..
just let me know bcoz i couldnt get the answer and im start to feel boring on this love story...heaven!!

i keep feel that way when i get mad to him..BORED!

why u didnt inform me dat u got something to do and bla bla bla so that i'll not waiting and keep starring on my phone just to get your silly message !
susah sgt ke nk buat!! 

p/s : just because kerajaan da tak ada money or what so ever and hold for my medicine approval i need to face it! cuma jgn stress so that i can continue my daily life mcm biase even rase x selesa...if i've given two choices between the medicine and him, i think i rather choose dat medicine perhaps! u make me sick honey..perfectly!  my silence is just another word for my pain coz im missing you..i hope u read this :'(


halo halo haloooo

just nak bagi tahu kita dah graduate lah !

walau tok wan tak ikut ( tokwan semput pulakkk pagi tuh ! )

tapi semua berjalan dengan lancar...

boringgg dok dlm dewan lelame ! naseb naek pentas jumpa anak Tan Sri Dr.Mahathir..

tak dpt jumpa ayah dapat jumpa anak pun kire ok laaaa

idola saya tue ! hihi


dapat Diploma in Quantity Surveyor !

any vacancies for me...please ? ;)

diploma utk tok pah..tok wan...arwah walid..dan mama !

love you olssss

p/s : 

even walid tak ada dan terasa sedih tak dapat share semua ini...
tapi kena kuatkan hati dan tabah..
even baru jumpa andy teja..
hati masih terasa rindu...weeee

Movie marathon

Nie entry  pasal cter smlm...
1st time ever tgok movie 3 cter non stop..
Is it consider bla bla bla watch this 3 movie...ALONE?
Tapi best la tgok movie sorang2...
Smpy staff kaunter tiket da pndg semacam..
Dok ulang beli tiket..
Eh..suka hati la duit kita kannn...heee

The mortal instrument was great..
the conjuring totally give me the heart attack even cter dy xde la seram mane..*berlagaknya*
And the elysium give me the future that will never exist..walau cter dy agak mengarot...tp besh...

Tue je laa...byee

P/s: konvo next week..masing2 xnak mengalah kan??finee...aku g sniri laa cmtue...payah sgt! Ehh kat mane nak cari striping honda icon yg boleh design sniri?finally minnie mouse aku da tanggal kan pasal sume ckp x matang??what da heck is it huu?? =_=


Hurmm hampir dua bulan...
Bru smlm kedatangan pertama Walid@ayah saya dlm mimpi...
Rindu nye saya kat arwah Allah je yg tahu..
Alahaiii...doa je la yg mampu saya beri...
Semoga roh walid tenang dan dicucuri rahmat di sana..
Bnyk juga manusia yg aku rindu muncul dlm mmpi smlm..
Harap2 walid muncul lagi..
Hantar msg kat no.walid x delivered punn...rindu nk msg cerita mcm2..
hurmmm rinduuu :'(

P/s : dia marah aku call dia tadi pasal dia tgah tgok movie...bru semangat nak ckp SENTAP terus..nyesal call...wadahel?? ;(

Time flies!

 Deep breath! its been for so long long and long period havent spill out all here! 9 years pass through already peeps! before get married an...