blues monday...
dont know what to do...x kerja..da cuti...
silap...da berhenti...yosh!
next week balik umah tok pah...
rindu nyer!
kat bawah ade baby aidan...
jom main ngan dia....
tp skunk dia tdo laa..uhuk!
nk upload picha2 terakhir di bakery....chilll~
my Last Class at BaKery...on friday@29 Dec '10...huhu...
after this x dpt da tgok...n merasa recipe2 yg di masak...
ok..the chef for that day ialah MR. WILLIAM TAN...
he said..."well-known chef in Malaysia...dont play-play.."
ouhhhh...agak kerek ayat itu!
im wonder whether u guys know him or not...
nyampah aihhhh...
the phrase " the best cheese cake in the world"...
2 bole diterima cket coz cheese cake dy sedap jugak..
but in the world 2 x tau la kan...
x pnah rase dari seantero dunia agy!...
hell hell.!
saje masuk picha yipeng pasal rambut dia cute lol!
dia terpaksa tolong itu chef pasal assistant chef sibuk FB dkt pc cashier!
yi peng said.."ade dtg tempat org suka-suka pergi buka itu komputer main internet"...
yi peng bengang pasal yi peng kena basuh perkakas yg digunakan chef!
padan muka!
haha..peace yi you miss! >.<
one more thing...gaya2 mcm buat time merdeka pasal ade bendera segala bagai..
xde makne nyer la hai!
saya dan ismail terpaksa buat on that morning 4 covered off the messy below on the table!
more better than other classes lorrrr...hehe...give a clap to us please! (^_^)
ouh! ini ialah ismail~ yosh!
confirm dia bengang nie!
peace yepppp...??
amek gambar curi semalam...
2 pasal shaking cket~
time kire baking case yang agak buhsan punye kerja lol!
p/s : jumpe abang ni kat lua sila ckp " sharifah kirim salam "...
and the last one...
Lim Kim Shen...
x tawu la eja btol ke x name dy 2...??
haha... love this naughty boy...
so cute are you!
nak cubit2 jep pipi dia!
dont know when im gonna see them again...
so sad...
many experience...
many lesson...
many moment...
that i'll never forget...
the best working place on my life...
so far la ok!
da la...
out first~
*****umi...kerja elok2...jgn smpy kena marah...xde tempat ngadu sudahhhh...uhuk~
*****gonna miss u sister!
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